I cannot stop talking about it. Everyone asks me what it means…
Artist Date?
How could I explain it? It might mean an appointment of artists, creators.
I saw the term somewhere on google. Unfortunately, I do not remember where but I loved it. I did not understand the context, but I used it. Then I saw the term taken up by American youtubers, and it became clear in my head. For me, an artist date is an encounter between artists to create, innovate, inspire, develop or even undertake. It is also a good way to discover what is around us, the little things in life. It is a concept that I like and that I try to live in everyday life.
One of my goals would be to make my daily life an artist date.
Thanks to that, I meet many wonderful and inspiring « artists ». I weave links, I socialize, and yet, I am not naturally good at it. I already met many of my Instagram followers through the artist dates, and I adored it.
Are you up for an artist date?