Paolo Coelho, in his famous book named ‘The Alchemist’ said, « Nobody should be afraid of the unknown because everybody is able to conquer what he wants and what is necessary ».
Isn’t that a good definition of motivation? How can you conquer what you want or get what is necessary without being motivated? Sure, it is easy to talk. However, how can we stay motivated?
Sometimes, it just happens. You wake up, and your feel the sparkles in you. You are motivated and ready to face anything. The energy is all yours. Some other times, you just feel lazy and mad about everything around you. You want to do nothing.
How to stay motivated? I believe it is impossible. Can someone stay constantly motivated? Nah.
Being your truest self will definitely help, as much as setting goals. You also have little tips like vision boards, motivational quotes every morning, etc. Still, I feel like it is just a tiny part of it.
Anyways, I am getting lost.
How I stay motivated? I do not. I am the laziest depressed person I know. I have no idea how to help. I am also that kind of person that gives the best advice to everyone around me and that cannot apply them to myself. Whenever I feel motivated, even for just an hour, I write a lot, about my ideas, my thoughts, etc. Later than, I will be able to rethink everything and properly be productive.
How to stay motivated? Work on your positivity. See positive vibes instead of negative ones. Incarnate the positive attitude and reject the negatives. Am being repetitive right?
Here is the best advice I can give. Stay positive. Set up goals and objectives. You do not have to start big. For instance, why not making lists? Decide five things you want to do every day or every week. In addition, do your maximum to do it.
Find your ability to conquer your mind. Before the act, there is the will. If you want to be, you can. If you have the will, you can do everything.
Think like a conqueror? Keep going. Find your path. Discover and earn the world.
Be like Harry Potter? Stay positive. Be how you want others to be with you. Work on your mindset. Keep it up with the determination and accomplish your dreams.
Do as Yaye Ndigueul. Be bold. Trust yourself. Work for what you believe in.
Be like the hustlers in Senegal. Wake up every morning with the hope of having a better day. Face the rocks on your path. Keep on trying. Fake it until you make it.
Is this really helping? I am not even sure I am making it understandable to you. Moreover, a good friend told me something interesting I could not understand at that moment. He said, « Motivation, just like love, does not shine forever. You need to keep some in reserve ».
Now, I get it.
Very good article!!
thank you !